International Baccalaureate Academy

Master English and MandarinImmersive Bilingual & Bi-Cultural Education

Educating and nurturing children aged 3-12 years old since 2006

We are open for school tours now!

Does your child know how to read this? 


慈 母 手 中 线,

游 子 身 上 衣。

临 行 密 密 缝,

意 恐 迟 迟 归。

谁 言 寸 草 心,

报 得 三 春 晖。

Not only can our students read this poem, they also understand the history and meaning behind it

Where second language becomes nature

Hear it for yourself!



Our International Baccalaureate (IB) program

Education is more than just academic excellence. Our IB program offers students a holistic environment that they can thrive in, and grow up to be caring, thinking and morally upright bilingual global citizens

Introduces young learners to and sets the foundation for a dual language and inquiry-based framework 

Vastly different from other education syllabi with focus placed on developing children's ability to think critically and challenge assumptions

Develop children who will help contribute to building a better world through mutual cultural understand and respect

Grow in an environment that provides opportunities for action to occur, and consequently, for them to choose or think through solutions to problems for themselves.  

Develops a student's social, academic and emotional wellbeing by focusing on strong personal values and international-mindedness

Nurtures and encourages critical and independent thinking and learning, encouraging students to take responsibility for their education and learning abilities

Establishes a strong foundation for learning, also including global and local issues into the education syllabus.

In Kindergarten, with a teacher-student ratio of 1:8,

Your child will be learning:







Primary Years Programme - Unit of Inquiry (UOI)

In Primary School, with a teacher-student ratio of 1:24,


Social Studies




Physical, social and personal education

Why parents choose us

Every teacher who works with us is fully qualified and trained in the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme.

All classrooms are equipped with IT infrastructure designed to assist teachers and to enhance the learning experience for students across all ages.

Our key staff members, in addition to our school nurse, also have basic qualifications in first aid, lifesaving and CPR, ensuring that student safety and health comes first, even after school hours.

We provide an array of nutritious food in the form of hot meals, wraps and sandwiches, fruits and juices, ensuring that our growing children are getting the kind of nutrition that they need.


"Our children have really enjoyed their time at HWA, and so have we as parents. The things that drew us to the school were the high level of Chinese content in the curriculum and the small community atmosphere. The school is completely bicultural, representing the best of both worlds through celebrations and holidays. 

We have had so many opportunities to celebrate Chinese holidays at school, from our large Mid-Autumn Festival gathering to our Chinese New Year specials."

"As an IB Diploma graduate at Hillside World Academy, I am proud to have done the programme at the school. What I learned through the IB is unforgettable and meaningful. It has taught me about researching skills, how to think from different perspectives, and how to write a good academic paper. Hillside World Academy emphasizes the spirit of the IB, and I believe every student will grow with their teachers and peers until the very end. 

Currently, I am studying Civil Engineering at City University of Hong Kong, and the IB has prepared me well for this. My experiences at the school helped me to strive for excellence both personally and academically."

"I am not the typical China student: strong in math with top grades. My student life experience at HWA gave me the opportunity & experience to become a published author at China’s People Press. HWA & Huijia Beijing’s support and guidance helped me get into one of my dream Universities ."

Norman and Ruth (American)

Lee Eunyoung (Korean)

Jeffrey Li Tian Jun (Chinese)

Parents of Jasper and Winifred

IB DP Graduate, currently schooling at 

City University of Hong Kong

IB DP Graduate, currently schooling at Syracuse University, NY

Check out our campus

A forward looking and contemporary academy, since 2006

Hillside World Academy was established in 2006 as the Chinese International School and continues to uphold the global vision that integrates Eastern and Western values, through the International Baccalaureate (IB) philosophy. We are a forward-looking, contemporary academy that believes in a holistic approach to teaching, and is 100 per cent committed to lifelong learning for all. Advocating research and inquiry in the classroom, our teachers not only steer the lessons, but also take a step back to encourage students to get involved, collaborate, challenge what they are told, and reach well beyond the textbook experience.

Master English and Mandarin in an International Baccalaureate academy  

Educating and nurturing children aged 3-12 years old since 2006

Register your interest and book for a school tour now!

With shuttle bus services provided, we are conveniently located at

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